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Architecture Week, also known as A-week, is a student-organized tradition at the Tulane School of Architecture. Over the span of three days during the spring the semester, students participate in workshops led by visiting architects, who are selected by a student committee for their work in the profession. The architects offer students a new perspective on the changing landscape of architecture, technology and culture. During the workshops, students engage in learning new and innovative digital modeling processes, design charrettes and the full scale fabrication of a project. A-week is an important part of a student's education as its goal is designed to empower students with knowledge and methods that are redefining the future of the industry. Recent visiting architects include; Andrew Kudless (Matsys), Thom Faulders (Faulders Studio), Ronald Rael (Rael San Fratello), Jason Kelly Johnson + Nataly Gattegno (Future Cities Lab) and Jing Liu (SO-IL).

What is Architects Week?

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